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Waste Water Treatment Maple Em.1

Maple Orgtech (India) Ltd. is manufacturing and propagating EM in India under agreement with EMRO, Japan. EM technology was developed by Dr. Teruo Higa in Japan. EM stands for â��Effective Microorganismsâ��. It is a consortium of different strains of beneficial and effective microorganisms, both aerobic and anaerobic in nature. It is processed by EMRO personnel under strict quality standard in Maple Orgtech Kolkata. These organisms are collected from the natural environment and not imported, exotic or genetically engineered. The main microbes are Lactobacillus, Photosynthetic bacteria, and yeast. EM Technology is the most powerful tool to carry out effective Environmental Management and has become the natural choice for carrying out waste water treatment.

EM applications on waste water are :

In sewerage, septic tank and open drainage

  • EM applications in every case reduce pollutants and sludge : which help in reductions of cost for sludge removal and also prevents from ground water and other water bodies contaminations.
  • EM also helps to reduce E.coli and other pathogens from water : so EM treated waste water can used for irrigations and aqua culture.
  • EM Suppresses foul odour and proliferations of files/mosquitoes : hygiene conditions maintains and also reductions in cost for sanitation.

We can provide technical help and supply of EM.

The benefits of Maple EM Technology for WWM are as follows:

Industrial Effluent Treatment

  • Reduction of BOD, COD, TSS as per PCB norms.
  • Reduction of Foul odour; no odour in treated effluent.
  • Suppression of Total Coli & E Coli.
  • Neutralization of wastewater.
  • Reduction of chemicals such as alum, lime, chlorine, etc.
  • Reduction in power consumption.
  • Reduction in sludge volume& No further treatment is required for sludge obtained.
  • Enable ETP to bear more organic load; enhance the ETP load capacity
  • Eco friendly; make environment healthy & fresh.
  • Reduce the running cost of ETP.

Sewage Treatment

  • Reduction in sewage effluent parameters as per norms.
  • Make the effluent for disposable/reuse.Remove foul order from effluent completely.Reduce running cost of STP.

Sanitation or House Hold Application

  • For cleaning toilets & floor.
  • For cleaning of kitchen slab & basin.
  • Reduce spreading of germs, flies, and insects.
  • Reduce the sludge in septic tank thus no need to clean it manually.
  • Reduce the foul odour.

Maple EM is being used throughout India in many ETP, hotel/restaurants, food processing industries, Hospitals and Municipal corporations.

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Min. Order Quantity 1 Carton

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